Friday, July 10, 2009

And then there was the White Rabbit.....

Not literally, it just seems like I have followed the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole.

Time has been marching on apace, at such a pace that I coudn't even catch it if I was the world record holder for the 100m sprint.

I have knitting to report but no photos - yet. I'm going to make time over the weekend and get some photos taken to update my projects. My CLP now consists of a finished body and 2 finished sleeves all strung together on the circular needles ready to join for the neck. I need to sew in the sleeves first, but it is nearing completion, photos soon.

I shall be winding my skeins of sashimi in preparation for the lepidoptera shawl. I'm looking forward to seeing how the gradience dyed yarn knits up. As it is triangular I'm expecting to see huge progress to begin with and then it'll get slower and slower as it grows. I'd love to be starting my Sunday cardigan too but I do need a rest from knitting garments, so I think some smaller things for a while. My hands need a rest, they are cramping a bit so I think I'd better have a break before I do damage.

This weekend is a big holiday weekend in Northern Ireland, referred to locally as "The 12th". The 12th July is given over to marches with bands and gatherings of the Loyal Orange Order who celebrate the victory of King William of Orange over King James II at the River Boyne. DH gets 2 days off work so we have a long weekend. The weather forecast is not very promising for the next few days however. As the 12th is a Sunday this year the parades will be taking place on Monday, there will be no marches on Sunday. Whichever day we will be staying at home, enjoying the peace and quiet of the country, well away from the parades.

I was reminded last week about some skirts I'd promised to look out for my BF, so I got them out..... Then I fought my way into a wardrobe that has been blocked in for a while and could not believe what was in it. Well half the contents have now been divided out between a couple of friends, who got a couple of things out of the clear out, and the rest has gone to charity shops. The other half will be tackled at some future stage and I'm sure most if it will end up in charirty shops too, perhaps I'll find room for all the overspill in my bedroom after all.

The two birthday outings last weekend were a great success but it took me days to get over the indigestion and I felt totally exhausted for several days. I feel like I'm getting my energy back so I'll have to turn my attention to some more sorting out again.

We took MIL for a Tepanyaki lunch and she thoroughly enjoyed it, so much so that she spent the afternoon writing a letter to her daughter giving her a full account of the whole thing. We all enjoyed it, perhaps we'll do it again when SIL and husband are over for a visit next month.

Our Saturday evening surprise birthday party went very well. Shirley was totally surprised at the gathering who were waiting for her at the restaraunt. She thought her husband was taking her out for a quiet meal. There was 10 of us and a good evening was had by all. The food was superb and the staff were very good. Her husband had got a cake made with a photo of Shirley as a little girl on it. I think she will be making him pay for that.

I have some photos of the birthdays and of some new parcels I got, of course they are still in the camera. I'll get them all downloaded soon, I have to send Shirley some from her birthday.

Time to go now and catch the last episode of "Torchwood: Children of Earth". I'm looking forward to a new series starting on FX next week ------"TrueBlood", based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlene Harris, I've read them all so far.

1 comment:

  1. Primevil and Torchwood--my favorites. I will watch for TrueBlood! DH laughs at me because I watch BBC more than I watch American stations. That's how bad American programs are!

    We have been busy as well with family visiting from Chicago. We took another short trip to a big water park 3 hours south of us. Everyone had fun floating on tubes down the Guadalupe River.

    I did get some knitting done but not much. I really must get back to it today as well as catch up on work around the house.

    Looking forward to your pictures! I recieved some new Blue Moon Fiber Arts yarn to start the Ulmus shawl. Can't wait to get started.

