Saturday, April 18, 2009

Girl Interrupted

I was intending to write this post about 4 or 5 days ago and to Email my friend Katherine too. Apologies Katherine if you're reading this before I manage to get my email finished and sent. I have been messing about at this and that and couldn't honestly tell you exactly what I've been doing.

Well, OK, DH and I celebrated our Pearl wedding Annivesary, but it was a very quiet celebration, just a meal out for the 2 of us. That was Good Friday 10th April. We had a very quiet Easter, DH had 2 days holiday, but he was just glad to get a rest. Then SIL came over for a few days to visit MIL, from Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th. DH and I took SIL and MIL out for meal on Thursday evening. We went out about 6:30 and our first choice of restaurant couldn't give us a table until 8:00 so we walked 2 blocks to "The Point" and had a lovely meal. Despite how tiny MIL is she finished everything and finished off with an "Irish Black Velvet" coffee which contained about 3 different shots and she enjoyed every last drop of it. So here we are now it's the 18th and it sems like it was only about 2 days since I posted last instead of 12.

Now for the important part, the knitting progress. After the last post I did start the FLS, I'm still working the garter stitch yoke - why, well here is where the girl interrupted comes from.

I was in touch with an ex work colleague who is expecting her first baby and arranging to meet her for lunch some day soon. Well guess what I decided this needed something for the baby and what better excuse to knit a BSJ. I found a nice brightly coloured skein of rayon boucle from Yarnstoutopia (an etsy seller) I thought it was just right for a BSJ.

So here it is off the needles and looking nothing like a garment of any sort. At this stage you wonder how it can ever become anything other than a mishapen wash cloth?

Well, as everyone who has ever knit a BSJ before knows, it does....and beautifully. Still waiting for its seams, but I want to let my friend see it next week before that happens. I won't be seeing my ex work colleague until the week after that at the earliest anyway, I hope she likes it. At the moment I have no idea (and I don't know if she knows either) if it is a boy or girl. I have to look for some buttons, I was thinking of trying to find some ladybird buttons just to finish off its bright and colourful aspect.

And how is the FLS going? Well here is the story so far, I've added a few more rounds to it since the photo was taken a few days ago and I'm going to add a few more this evening. Perhaps I will manage to get to the end of the yoke. The photo really doesn't do it justice. The yarn is super soft - Cherrytree hill Alpine baby a soft, soft, mohiar boucle, the colourway is cabin fever with shades of ochre, cherry red, purple, green, navy. I'm hoping it will go with lots in my wardrobe.

It has been a beautiful day here for a change, warm, dry and sunny, and it is supposed to be equally nice tomorrow. So time to wrap up for now. Hope all your projects are progressing as you would hope.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that your anniversary and Easter were so pleasant! I’ve missed hearing from you and look forward to the update email.
    I love the BSJ. I have never knit one and I think now would be a good time since we expect a new grandbaby any day.
    My knitting is going slowly. I think we are recovering our energies after the long work hours leading up to April 15th. We are sleeping late and going to work late so the entire day runs late including knitting.
